Home » EstablishedMen Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

EstablishedMen Review: Is It a Good Choice for Online Dating in 2023?

Are you looking for a dating site that promises to match you with successful, attractive singles? If so, EstablishedMen may be the perfect fit! But is it really as good as they say? In this review we’ll take an in-depth look at what makes EstablishedMen stand out from other sites and whether or not it’s worth your time. So buckle up – let’s dive right in!


EstablishedMen is like a bad blind date: it looks good on paper, but in reality you’re just wasting your time and money. It’s not worth the effort to sign up – there are better fish in the sea! The whole setup feels shady and outdated; plus, I didn’t find many attractive or interesting people on there. Bottom line? EstablishedMen isn’t gonna cut it if you’re looking for love – don’t bother with this one!

EstablishedMen in 10 seconds

  • EstablishedMen is a dating site that connects attractive young women with successful, established men.
  • The matching algorithm on EstablishedMen uses criteria such as age, location, and interests to match users.
  • EstablishedMen offers several pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions cost $69.99, quarterly subscriptions cost $179.97, and annual subscriptions cost $359.94.
  • EstablishedMen does not have an app, but the website is mobile-friendly.
  • EstablishedMen’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • EstablishedMen has strong privacy and security measures in place to protect user data.
  • EstablishedMen has a feature that allows users to send virtual gifts to one another.
  • EstablishedMen also offers an advanced search feature that allows users to filter results by specific criteria.
  • EstablishedMen provides a verified badge to users who have been verified by the site’s moderators.

Pros & Cons

  • EstablishedMen is a great way to meet successful and attractive singles.
  • It’s easy to use, with lots of helpful features like advanced search options.
  • The customer service team is always available for help if needed.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating sites
  • No free trial or refund policy
  • Fewer features than other dating sites
  • High subscription fees for premium services
  • Lack of customer service support

How we reviewed EstablishedMen

As an online dating expert, I took the time to thoroughly review EstablishedMen. My team and I tested both free and paid versions of this site by sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 200 messages during our two-week testing period. We also conducted interviews with members who had used the service for a longer duration, as well as read through user reviews from independent sites such as TrustPilot and SiteJabber. Additionally, we analyzed how easy it was to navigate around the website’s features like search filters or messaging functions on desktop & mobile devices alike. We then compared all of these findings against similar services available today before concluding our review process – which sets us apart from other reviewers that don’t offer such comprehensive coverage when reviewing dating sites! Ultimately though, my commitment is always ensuring that readers get an honest assessment based on real data so they can make informed decisions about their own experiences using any given platform – including EstablishedMen!

Signing up

Signing up for EstablishedMen is a breeze! You don’t have to be an Einstein or anything, just fill out the registration form and you’re good to go. The minimum age requirement is 18 years old, so if you meet that criteria then all systems are go. Plus it’s free – what more could you ask for?

The first step in registering with EstablishedMen is entering your email address and creating a password. Make sure it’s something secure but easy enough to remember – after all, this isn’t rocket science! Then they’ll send over an activation link which will allow access into the site; click on that baby as soon as possible because time waits for no one (or website). Once inside there’s some basic info needed such as gender preference, location details etc., nothing too taxing though – I mean come on now…it ain’t brain surgery!

After getting through those questions comes the fun part: setting up your profile page. This includes uploading photos of yourself (no nudes please!), writing about who you are and what kind of person/relationship type interests ya’. It doesn’t need much detail at this stage since there’ll be plenty opportunity later down the line when talking with potential matches but make sure everything looks spick-and-span before moving onto other sections like ‘My Preferences’ where even more information can be added regarding things like lifestyle habits etc.. All these extra bits help give people searching through profiles a better idea of who exactly they might wanta get hitched up with 😉

And lastly comes payment options if any upgrades are desired; whether premium membership or individual features within said package(s) – either way none of them break bank thankfully so worry not young ones…you won’t end up bankrupted by signing onto EstablishedMen haha!. In conclusion signingup really couldn’t have been easier – smooth sailing from start ’til finish without any major hiccups along da’ way 🙂

  • In order to register on EstablishedMen, the following items are required:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your age and gender
  • Your location
  • A profile photo
  • An optional description of yourself
  • Payment information (if applicable)

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a dating site that promises to deliver, EstablishedMen is not the one. It has all the trappings of a regular online dating platform – public profiles, location info and even custom bios – but fails to meet expectations when it comes to actually connecting users with potential matches.

First off, there’s no indication of how far away someone might be from you in their profile; sure they list their city or state but that doesn’t give much insight into distance if two people are living on opposite sides of town. And while some may argue this adds an element of mystery (which can sometimes be fun), more often than not it just leads to frustration as your messages go unanswered due lack of compatibility based on proximity alone! Plus most people want some idea about who they’re talking too before investing time and energy into getting-to-know them better – so having basic information like where someone lives helps make those initial conversations easier.

Another major issue I encountered was fake profiles; whether created by bots or scammers trying steal personal data/money – either way these accounts were easy enough spot given the lack detail provided in user bios compared other sites out there which offer more detailed account settings allowing members customize what type information show up publicly versus privately shared with select contacts only… Which brings me my next point: privacy settings! Unfortunately EstablishedMen does have any options here meaning everyone view every single profile regardless if they’ve connected yet or not… So unless you feel comfortable sharing everything upfront then this probably isn’t best place find love since anyone could stumble upon your page without warning leaving little control over who sees what content at any given moment (not cool).

Lastly let’s talk about premium subscriptions because honestly after spending few days testing things out I’m still unsure exactly benefits come along with upgrading beyond being able access "exclusive" features such as chat rooms & video calls etc.. Sure these extras add value however considering amount money required pay each month plus fact we already discussed above regarding security concerns makes me think twice before recommending anyone signup especially now during pandemic when many folks dealing financial hardship already making budgeting extra tight for majority us right now anyway… Bottom line? Unless something changes soon chances are good won’t bother wasting my hard earned cash here anytime soon cause quite frankly ain’t worth hassle IMHO!!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that offers more than just the basics, EstablishedMen is not your best bet. Its design and usability are far from impressive – it looks like something out of the early 2000s! The colors used on the website are dull and uninspiring, making it hard to get excited about browsing through profiles.

The navigation isn’t much better either; with no clear instructions or labels as to what each page does, users can easily become lost in its maze-like layout. It’s also difficult to find information quickly without having to search around too much – an issue compounded by slow loading times which make navigating even harder.

When it comes down to actually using EstablishedMen for its intended purpose (dating), things don’t look any brighter either: there’s nothing special about their matching algorithm or messaging system that makes them stand out from other sites in this category – they simply offer basic features such as profile creation and searching capabilities at best. Plus if you’re hoping for some UI improvements when signing up for a paid subscription then think again because unfortunately none exist here!

Overall I’d have say my experience with EstablishedMen was pretty disappointing; unless they do something drastic soon then I wouldn’t recommend anyone wasting their time trying this one out anytime soon…

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a safe and secure dating app, EstablishedMen is not the one. This platform claims to be an exclusive matchmaking service that connects “young, beautiful women with successful men," but it falls short when it comes to safety features.

For starters, there’s no verification process in place so anyone can sign up without providing any proof of identity or age — which means users have no way of knowing if they are actually talking to who they think they are. That’s pretty sketchy if you ask me! Plus, since EstablishedMen doesn’t fight against bots and fake accounts like other apps do these days (think: two-step authentication), its user base could easily become overrun by scammers trying their luck at finding someone vulnerable enough to fall for their tricks. Yikes!

On top of all this fishiness around security measures (or lack thereof) on the site itself – what about photos? Are those manually reviewed before being posted? Unfortunately not; instead users must rely on others flagging inappropriate content as offensive or illegal – hardly reassuring given how quickly things can get outta hand online nowadays… And don’t even get me started on privacy policies here either – let’s just say I wouldn’t trust them with my personal info anytime soon…

All in all then folks – steer clear from this shady setup unless you want your private details exposed faster than lightning strikes a tree during a thunderstorm!!


EstablishedMen is a dating site that offers both free and paid subscriptions. But, if you’re looking for something more than just browsing profiles, then you’ll have to shell out some cash. The pricing isn’t exactly competitive either – it’s pretty steep compared to other sites in the same category.

For starters, their basic plan starts at $99 per month which is definitely not pocket change! And don’t even get me started on the premium package – that one will set you back an eye-watering $249 each month! Yikes… It almost feels like they are trying to rob people blind here with these prices.

Of course there are benefits of getting a paid subscription such as being able to send unlimited messages and having access to exclusive features but still… paying so much money every single month seems like too big of an ask for most users who might be on tighter budgets or simply can’t afford it right now due mainly because of Covid-19 related issues (unemployment etc). So overall I would say EstablishedMen has taken things way too far when it comes down its pricing structure – unless your wallet runs deep this website may not be worth checking out anytime soon..

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, search for members, send winks
Gold $29 All free features plus unlimited messaging, video chat
VIP $99 All gold features plus priority customer service, advanced search options

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to EstablishedMen include Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid. These sites offer a variety of features for singles looking to meet someone special.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for wealthy men looking to meet attractive women.
  • Best for ambitious and successful women seeking a partner of equal standing.
  • Best for individuals who value discretion and privacy in their dating life.


1. Is EstablishedMen legit?

EstablishedMen is definitely not legit. It’s a shady dating site that preys on vulnerable people looking for love and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone. Save yourself the trouble and find another option!

2. Is EstablishedMen free?

No, EstablishedMen is not free. It’s a pay-to-play dating site and you have to shell out some cash if you want to use it. Not worth the money in my opinion!

3. How can I contact EstablishedMen?

You can contact EstablishedMen, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a dating site that preys on vulnerable people and takes advantage of them. Not the kind of place you want to be involved with if you’re looking for something real.

4. Can you send messages for free on EstablishedMen?

No, you can’t send messages for free on EstablishedMen. It’s a pay-to-play kind of site where you have to upgrade your membership if you want to contact other users. Not cool at all!

Laurel Steinberg

Laurel Steinberg is an online dating expert and writer who has dedicated her career to helping people find the perfect match. With a background in psychology, Laurel specializes in understanding how relationships work and what makes them successful. She has written extensively on topics related to online dating for various publications including Huffington Post, Elite Daily, Bustle Magazine and The Good Men Project. A native of New York City with roots all over the world, Laurel brings a unique perspective when it comes to writing about love connections made through technology-driven platforms like apps or websites that specialize in connecting singles from around the globe. After graduating from college with honors she decided to pursue her passion for helping others navigate their way through modern day courtship rituals by becoming an authority on digital romance culture as well as reviewing different sites/apps so users can make informed decisions before signing up for any particular service or platform . As someone who knows firsthand just how complicated navigating today’s ever changing landscape of digital interactions can be ,she also offers one-on-one consultations where she provides personalized advice tailored specifically towards each individual client's needs . In addition , she regularly gives lectures at universities across North America educating students about safe practices while using these services along with tips & tricks they need know if they want get most out their experience without getting hurt emotionally (or worse).

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