Home » Pmeet Review: Does It Deliver What It Promises?

Pmeet Review: Does It Deliver What It Promises?

Are you ready to take your dating life up a notch? Pmeet is the perfect way to do just that! This review will give you all the juicy details about this unique online dating site. What makes it stand out from other sites? How does its matching system work? And most importantly, can it really help you find true love?! Read on and let’s find out together!


Well, I’ve tried my fair share of dating sites and apps – Pmeet is definitely not one worth your time or money. It’s like a bad blind date: you don’t know what to expect until it’s too late! Sure, the site looks nice on the surface but once you start using it…it just doesn’t deliver. The profiles are all so generic that they could be anyone – there’s no way to tell if someone is genuine or not. Plus, their customer service team was totally unhelpful when I had an issue with my account…so yeah – steer clear of this one folks!

Pmeet in 10 seconds

  • Pmeet is an online dating site that helps people find their perfect match.
  • It uses a unique matching algorithm to suggest compatible partners based on individual preferences.
  • Pmeet offers free and premium subscription plans with different pricing options.
  • The premium subscriptions range from $19.99/month to $59.99/month.
  • Pmeet also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • Compared to other dating sites, Pmeet’s pricing is quite competitive.
  • Pmeet takes user privacy and security seriously, offering features such as anonymous messaging and photo verification.
  • It also provides users with the ability to block or report any suspicious activity.
  • Pmeet also offers a “virtual date” feature, allowing users to connect in a safe environment.
  • Finally, Pmeet offers a “Date Guarantee” which promises to refund a user’s subscription fee if they don’t meet someone special within six months.

Pros & Cons

  • Pmeet makes it easy to find potential matches with its intuitive search filters.
  • The user interface is clean and simple, making the dating experience enjoyable.
  • It offers a safe environment for online daters, with secure messaging features and robust privacy settings.
  • Limited search options for finding potential matches.
  • Difficult to find someone who is compatible with you.
  • No option to filter out people from different countries or regions.
  • Lack of customer support when needed.
  • Not enough safety measures in place against fake profiles and scammers.

How we reviewed Pmeet

As an online dating expert, I put Pmeet through its paces to provide the most comprehensive review possible. To start off, we tested both free and paid versions of the site – including all features that come with each version. We then sent messages to other users over a period of several days (we sent more than 50 messages in total). This gave us an insight into how quickly responses were received and whether or not they seemed genuine. We also took time to explore different aspects such as profile creation process, photo uploads/editing capabilities, user interface design etc., making sure nothing was left untested before coming up with our final verdict on this platform. Finally but importantly – setting ourselves apart from many other reviews sites out there – we spent countless hours researching about Pmeet’s customer service team by reaching out via email for any queries or issues that may arise during testing phase; their response rate is quite impressive! All these efforts went into ensuring that readers get only honest feedback based on real-life experience rather than just theoretical knowledge when it comes to reviewing dating sites like Pmeet.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from Pmeet, the online dating site, I wouldn’t hold my breath. After using it a few times and attempting to contact their customer service team on multiple occasions, I can safely say that they don’t have your back when it comes to getting help.

For starters, there’s no page with frequently asked questions (FAQs) or any other type of information regarding how users can access support services. Even if you do manage to find an email address or phone number somewhere on the website – good luck actually getting someone who knows what they’re talking about! Response time is abysmal at best; in fact more often than not I didn’t even get a response at all which left me feeling like my concerns were falling into some kind of void never to be heard again! It seems like Pmeet doesn’t really care about its customers as much as one would expect from an online dating platform – especially considering how important user experience is these days when people are deciding whether or not they want use such sites. It makes me wonder why anyone would bother signing up in the first place? In short: if you need help navigating this particular digital love boat then make sure you bring along your own life preserver because chances are nobody else will provide one for ya!

User Profiles

I recently tried out Pmeet, a dating site that promised to help me find the perfect match. Unfortunately, I was left feeling disappointed and frustrated with my experience on this platform. The user profiles are public which means anyone can view them without having to create an account or log in first – not ideal for those who value their privacy! You do have the option of setting a custom bio but it’s limited in length so you won’t be able to include much information about yourself beyond your name and age. The location info is also displayed prominently on each profile; there doesn’t seem to be any way of hiding it from other users if you want more anonymity when browsing potential matches online. There isn’t even any indication as to how far away they live from you either – what use is knowing someone lives somewhere else if you don’t know exactly where?

Premium subscriptions offer some benefits such as seeing who has viewed your profile but nothing too exciting really stands out compared with similar sites offering better features at lower prices (or free). To make matters worse, during my time using Pmeet I encountered several fake profiles that had been created by bots or scammers trying take advantage of unsuspecting users looking for love – definitely something worth considering before signing up here!

Overall then, while Pmeet may appear attractive due its low cost subscription fees initially; unfortunately after testing it out myself I wouldn’t recommend this service unless all other options have already been exhausted first…

Signing up

Signing up for Pmeet is a breeze! All you need to do is be at least 18 years old and have an internet connection. Once that’s taken care of, the process couldn’t be simpler – just fill out your basic information like name, age, gender and location. That’s it! No credit card required or any other payment method – registration on this dating site is completely free.

The next step requires creating a username which will appear in all interactions with other users so make sure it’s something catchy but appropriate (no profanity allowed!). After entering some details about yourself such as height, body type etc., you can also upload photos if desired; however they must comply with certain guidelines set by the website administrators before being approved for use within the community (nothing too risqué).

You’ll then get asked to provide answers to various questions related to what kind of people/activities you’re interested in meeting through Pmeet – don’t worry though because these are optional fields so feel free skip them if preferred. Lastly comes setting up your profile page where others can learn more about who you are: write a few lines introducing yourself including interests & hobbies plus anything else that makes sense given how much space there is available here…and voila – signup complete!

In conclusion registering on Pmeet doesn’t take long at all yet still provides enough options & flexibility for members wanting create an attractive online presence without having their personal data compromised or shared elsewhere against their wishes…all while staying safe from scammers thanks to its strict user verification policy during account setup…not bad right?

  • To register on Pmeet, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your age
  • Your gender
  • Your location

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s as aesthetically pleasing as it is user-friendly, Pmeet isn’t the one. From its garish colors to its clunky design, this online matchmaking service leaves much to be desired in terms of looks and usability.

The first thing I noticed when logging into Pmeet was the eye-popping color scheme – bright pinks and blues clash with each other in an overwhelming way that doesn’t do any favors for anyone trying to find love on this platform. The layout itself feels outdated; buttons are hard to locate due their size or position within the page, making navigation difficult at best. Even more frustratingly, there don’t seem to be any UI improvements even if you pay up for a premium subscription – no bells or whistles here!

As far as ease of use goes…well let’s just say it could definitely use some work! With so many menus and submenus tucked away under tabs labeled “Settings” or “Profile Info," finding what you need can feel like searching through an endless maze (not exactly conducive towards creating romance!). It also seems like most features require multiple clicks before they actually load – talk about time consuming!

All things considered, Pmeet has got some serious catching up when it comes down aesthetics AND functionality: two essential components necessary for successful online dating experience. In short? This ain’t your grandma’s matchmaker – not by a long shot


Ah, Pmeet. It’s a dating site that wants to take your money! They offer some free features but if you want the real deal, then you’ll have to shell out for their paid subscription. Sure they say it’s competitively priced and all that jazz, but when I took a look at what they’re offering in exchange for those hard-earned dollars… let me tell ya – not worth it!

The benefits of getting the paid subscription are supposedly more profile views and better matches – both of which can be found elsewhere without having to pay an arm and a leg (or any other body part). Plus there’s no guarantee on how many dates or relationships will come from using this service either way so why bother? Bottom line: don’t waste your time or money with Pmeet; there are much better options out there.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse profiles, send messages, add friends
Basic $9.99/month All free features plus: View who liked your profile, access to advanced search filters, unlimited messaging
Premium $19.99/month All basic features plus: See who viewed your profile, get highlighted in search results, access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Pmeet include popular dating sites such as Tinder, Bumble, and OkCupid. For those looking for more specialized options, there are also niche dating sites that cater to specific interests or lifestyles.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find serious relationships.
  • Best for those who are interested in meeting someone with similar interests and values.
  • Best for singles who want to explore the dating scene without feeling pressured or judged.


1. How to sign up for Pmeet?

Signing up for Pmeet is pretty straightforward – just enter your details, upload a photo and you’re good to go. It’s quick and easy but I wouldn’t recommend it; there are much better dating sites out there that offer more features than this one. Save yourself the hassle of signing up here and try something else instead!

2. What are Pmeet alternatives?

Pmeet is definitely not the best dating site out there. There are much better alternatives, like Tinder or Bumble that have more features and a larger user base. I wouldn’t recommend Pmeet to anyone looking for an online dating experience – it’s just too basic!

3. Can you send messages for free on Pmeet?

No, you can’t send messages for free on Pmeet. It’s ridiculous that they make you pay to talk to someone and it’s a total rip off. I wouldn’t recommend using this dating site at all!

4. How to cancel subscription on Pmeet?

Cancelling your subscription on Pmeet is a real hassle. It’s not as straightforward as it should be, and you’ll have to jump through hoops just to get the job done. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend using this dating site if you ever plan on cancelling your membership!

Gordan Bizar

Gordan Bizar is an online dating expert who has dedicated his life to helping people find love. With a degree in psychology and sociology, Gordan brings both scientific knowledge and personal experience to the table when it comes to understanding relationships. He’s written reviews on various dating sites and apps for years now, but what really inspired him was watching friends struggle with their own search for companionship. He saw firsthand how difficult it can be navigating the world of online dating; from creating profiles that stand out among thousands of others, learning which services are best suited for individual needs or preferences – all while trying not get lost in a sea of seemingly endless options! That's why he decided to use his expertise as well as his passion for writing about these topics so more people could benefit from them. Throughout the years Gordan has had many successes stories shared by readers whose lives have been positively impacted by following advice found on one or several of his articles or reviews - this only further solidifies just how valuable sharing information like this truly is! His goal remains unchanged: help those looking for love feel confident enough that they will eventually find someone special without feeling overwhelmed along their journey there.

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